R & D in the third millenium
Article Abstract:
Various sectors of the information technology register capacity growth spurts of approximately double. The increasing intelligence of telecommunication has led predictions of speech translation capabilities and greater communications mobility. The need for organizational learning becomes more apparent as the challenges posed by these advances become bigger. Research and development effectiveness require managers to be innovative in their approach to information technology.
Publication Name: Research-Technology Management
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0895-6308
Year: 1992
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Credibility between CEO and CTO - a CTO's perspective
Article Abstract:
The chief training officer receives a vote of confidence from the CEO if expertise is proved on a personal, professional and organizational level. Personal credibility is attained through effective social one-on-one interaction while organizational credibility can be earned by demonstrating an ability to lead. Professional credibility involves technical excellence, commercial savvy, good customer relations, a global perspective and the ability to collaborate.
Publication Name: Research-Technology Management
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0895-6308
Year: 1992
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