Interviewing etiquette: when the tables are turned
Article Abstract:
Job interviews can project much about the firm's overall culture to an outside job candidate. Thus, interviewers should exert an extra effort to practice good etiquette in interviewing a job applicant because that person may become a future colleague or even a client. A company that practices good interviewing etiquette increases its opportunity for attracting and hiring talented job candidates and save it from future embarrassment. Good interviewing etiquette includes being honest, on time and courteous.
Publication Name: Journal of Management in Engineering
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0742-597X
Year: 1997
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The art of feedback: it can be a pleasant experience
Article Abstract:
Engineering managers need to practice giving supportive, corrective and constructive feedback to clients and their own staff to motivate them to perform better and lessen their stress. These benefits have been repeatedly highlighted in scores of experiments. Managers should start by rehearsing, encapsulating their message in a one-minute talk, being alert to the other person's response and remembering to 'praise in public but criticize in private.'
Publication Name: Journal of Management in Engineering
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0742-597X
Year: 1997
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Personal customer service
Article Abstract:
A personalized customer service plays an important role in enhancing the image of a company. This is achieved through word-of-mouth advertising, friendly attitude of employees and the immediate delivery of what the customer needs. In addition, customer service personnel should properly handle customer interactions while the management should be able to cite or reward actions that help enhance customer service.
Publication Name: Journal of Management in Engineering
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0742-597X
Year: 1997
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