MSC-pal 2
Article Abstract:
MacNeal-Schwendler Corp has a fine reputation among mechanical engineers for its finite element analysis programs that are equally useful to electrical engineers for analyzing stress and vibration of mechanical systems, components and structures. Its $2,295 MSC-pal 2 is a MSDOS-ported version of its equipment testing software for workstations and supercomputers. The package includes a collection of stress and vibration analysis programs for mechanical systems and parts using the finite element method to solve for displacements, forces, and stresses of two and three dimensional systems. Results are shown in tables and graphics with model geometry and structural deformations, animated deformation plots, stress contours plots, and displacements as a function of time and frequency. Documentation is abundant as is the size of the program which can take up to 3 MB RAM on systems equipped with large amounts of memory. The program is complex and takes a long time to learn, but it is worth the trouble.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 1989
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VLSI: linking design and manufacturing
Article Abstract:
Process Engineer's Workbench software package, developed by Carnegie-Mellon University and Semiconductor Research Corp, ties together a set of computer-aided design tools which simulate each step in the manufacture of a VLSI chip. Program developers at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, claim an engineer can develop a factory-ready 'recipe' in a day using the package. The engineer uses Workbench to determine the chip's characteristics, their statistical distribution and the manufacturing yield to be expected from a particular fabrication process. Manufacturing process conditions such as temperature, time and ion energies can be adjusted. The program works with on-screen menus and forms. It is written in C language for a DEC VAXstation and runs on many other workstations. Workbench is in use at 15 major industrial and laboratory sites.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 1988
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