Bayer increases presence in powder coatings market
Article Abstract:
Bayer of Pittsburg, PA, has launched a major initiative in the powder- coatings market, including the formation of a US-based Global Powder Coatings Group. Also part of the initiative is the company's purchse of Sybron Chemicals Inc and its subsidiary, RUCO Polymers. With the acquisition of the two companies, Bayer became the largest supplier of polyester powder resins to the powder coatings industry in the US>
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2001
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Novel alkylation process cuts costs and downtime
Article Abstract:
Alkylate is an ideal mixture feedstock for the production of high-octane fuel. Lurgi Oel Gas Chemie GmbH has developed a new alkylation process that is based on a reactive distillation system.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2003
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