Six-sigma quality programs
Article Abstract:
Six sigma is a customer-driven approach to quality management that focuses on defect reduction. It has two levels: managerial (customized processes used by all employees to improve quality) and operational (statistical measures of defect levels and capabilities). Six sigma's basic components consist of a six-step improvement process and a three-part quality measurement method using normal distribution theory. Quality initiatives and improvement tools are optional.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1993
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Developing a learning organization in the public sector
Article Abstract:
The use of quality management to help private and public sector enterprises become learning organizations is explored. The development of a quality improvement project in a Health Care Department in Brazil is described.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2001
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