Problems of human settlement structure in the Russian Federation
Article Abstract:
The condition of human settlements in the Russian Federation after the breakup of the Soviet Union is a result of the radical changes in the historical settlement network of the Russian Empire through the centrally regulated regional planning policy of the Soviet government. However, after the breakup of the Soviet Union, the settlement network is no longer suitable for the current socioeconomic development factors. The urban planners now have to contend with problems in urban development which include the consequences of international economic processes, which are accompanied by territorial restructurings at various levels.
Publication Name: EKISTICS: the problems and science of HUMAN SETTLEMENTS
Subject: Social sciences
ISSN: 0013-2942
Year: 1997
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Try Turkmenistan
Article Abstract:
Turkmenistan, the capital of Ashkhabad, has been closed to foreigners for most of the 20th century, but it has about 4 million consumers. Cotton is the sole source of foreign exchange. Export outlets and investment funding are urgently sought, however most project proposals are rejected because there are ruled infeasible or lack adequate funding.
Publication Name: Asian Review of Business and Technology
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0956-3784
Year: 1997
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Two-in-one silk jacket
Article Abstract:
Reversible jackets can be easily made using light, tightly woven silk. The process usually starts by adapting a bomber-jacket-pattern, after which the sleeves, side seams and other parts are sewed to the inner and outer jackets separately.
Publication Name: Threads
Subject: Fashion and beauty
ISSN: 0882-7370
Year: 1997
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