The Mexico City Diabetes Study: a population-based approach to the study of genetic and environmental interactions in the pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes
Article Abstract:
More Mexican Americans in San Antonio, Texas, have non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus than residents of Mexico City. Given a similar genetic make-up across the two groups, environmental factors contribute significantly to the disease profile. Mexico City residents favor a diet low in added fat and high in carbohydrates. Mexicans engage in more physical activity than Mexican Americans. Body weight distribution across all ages is lower in the Mexican population as well.
Publication Name: Nutrition Reviews
Subject: Food/cooking/nutrition
ISSN: 0029-6643
Year: 1999
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Genetic and environmental influences on type 2 diabetes mellitus in Mexican Americans
Article Abstract:
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus should become less prevalent in a more informed, modern age than ever before. Contrary to the belief that one should return to the lifestyle of our ancestors, efforts should be made to educate about fat avoidance and sugar avoidance as well as the benefits of exercise. Comparisons of lower-income barrio residents and more affluent suburbians indicate less weight problems and more health attitudes in the latter group.
Publication Name: Nutrition Reviews
Subject: Food/cooking/nutrition
ISSN: 0029-6643
Year: 1999
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Obesity and cultural environment in the Yucatan region
Article Abstract:
Residents of Yucatan, Mexico, are contending with health problems due to a fat-laden diet and sweetened drinks. Researchers found 457 adult Yucatans generally overweight, eating fried foods and meat, and lacking physical activity. Food habits did not typically include fish or chicken, but whole milk. Both men and women of Yucatan tended to be more overweight than Mexican Americans or other Mexicans.
Publication Name: Nutrition Reviews
Subject: Food/cooking/nutrition
ISSN: 0029-6643
Year: 1999
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