Fast forward into the future: multihospital systems look toward the challenges and opportunities of a post-reform delivery system
Article Abstract:
Multihospital systems are often better prepared to handle health care reform than freestanding hospitals. The hospitals in these systems have already learned to cooperate in the face of diverse interests. Another factor that will influence how well multihospital systems adjust to future change is whether the hospitals in the system are in one geographic region or spread out across the US. Regional systems would be easier to administrate under the accountable health plan networks that the Clinton administration is expected to propose.
Publication Name: Hospitals
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0018-5973
Year: 1993
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Physicians using computers show lower resource utilization
Article Abstract:
Physicians using a computerized hospital record system at Wishard Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, generated inpatient charges that were 12.7% lower per admission than control teams who used paper order entry. This is because drugs and treatments that are found to be medically unjustifiable are flagged on the system and physicians are encouraged to use other methods. As a result, the average hospital stay was almost 90% shorter than the control group's. Other savings were found in bed charges, diagnostic test charges and drug charges.
Publication Name: Hospitals
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0018-5973
Year: 1993
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A greener image; hospitals take on environmental challenges of the '90s
Article Abstract:
Many hospital employees participate enthusiastically in environmental protection programs. For example, the Boulder Community Hospital, Boulder, CO, gives prizes to employees for recycling to reduce non-hazardous waste. In addition, free bus passes are persuading many employees to leave their cars at home. Also covered are the efforts of hospitals to protect the environment, hold down costs and comply with government regulations.
Publication Name: Hospitals
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0018-5973
Year: 1993
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