The consequences of paying Medicare managed care plans their costs
Article Abstract:
Government spending for enrollees in cost-reimbursement plans in 1993 was considerably larger than what should have been if these enrollees were given care in the usual fee-for-service Medicare or in a Medicare risk plan. The growth was completely accountable by much higher expenditures for Part B services under cost reimbursement. Thus, these indicate that Medicare cost reimbursement of health plans should be abolished or significantly changed.
Publication Name: Inquiry
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0046-9580
Year: 1998
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The value of experience: differences in knowledge among Medicare beneficiaries
Article Abstract:
The details of a national survey, conducted on Medicare beneficiaries, with respect to the Medicare Advantage program, are presented. The aim of the study is examine the extent to which Medicare beneficiaries, are aware of these Medicare information programs.
Publication Name: Inquiry
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0046-9580
Year: 2005
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Using encounter data from Medicaid HMOs for research and monitoring
Article Abstract:
The importance of complete encounter data from Medicaid health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in monitoring patient access to care, computer risk-adjusted payments, and estimate savings from managed care is discussed.
Publication Name: Inquiry
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0046-9580
Year: 2004
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