The new medical staff development planning: hospitals link plans to community benefits
Article Abstract:
Hospitals should formulate staff development plans before proceeding with staff recruiting. For instance, hospitals planning low-interest loans to recruit doctors must study community needs to avoid charges of fraud. Bill Diggins, director of physician services and recruitment at Des Moines (IA) General Hospital, says his manpower effort considers not only hospital strategic plans but also community benefits, including Medicare and Medicaid patients' needs. Also, experts agree that hospital trustees should become involved in medical staff development
Publication Name: Hospitals
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0018-5973
Year: 1992
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Making mandatory medical staff meetings more physician-friendly
Article Abstract:
Hospitals are reducing the time physicians must spend in staff meetings and streamlining the conduct of those meetings. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, which requires fewer meetings, suggests alternative arrangements for coordinating review functions. Changes in meeting management at several hospitals are outlined. For instance, the Littleton Hospital in Colorado has adopted flexible bylaws that require fewer physicians to constitute a quorum.
Publication Name: Hospitals
Subject: Health care industry
ISSN: 0018-5973
Year: 1992
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