Presidential administration
Article Abstract:
The author discusses changes in the relationship between the President and the administrative state, beginning with the Ronald Reagan Administration. Topics include the non-delegation doctrine and judicial review. Ways in which the courts might promote presidential administration in its best form are discussed.
Publication Name: Harvard Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0017-811X
Year: 2001
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Law making for baby making: an interpretive approach to the determination of legal parentage
Article Abstract:
The author proposes that the law of parentage should be rooted in realistic and socially accepted concepts of parental obligation so that the method of conception, sexual or technological, is irrelevant to the external governance of parent-child relationships.
Publication Name: Harvard Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0017-811X
Year: 2000
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Federal courts - proposed changes to the Ninth Circuitt and the federal courts of appeals
Article Abstract:
A report by a judicial commission suggesting that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals be divided into three divisions rather than being split into separate circuits is discussed.
Publication Name: Harvard Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0017-811X
Year: 2000
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