WTO Dispute Settlement Body - Article XX environmental exceptions to GATT - national treatment - consistency with GATT of U.S. rules regarding imports of reformulated gasoline
Article Abstract:
The World Trade Organization Appellate Body's 1996 opinion on gasoline cleanliness standards holds the US Clean Air Act's Gasoline Rule is not consistent with the GATT's environmental exceptions. Although the US lost the case, it stands to gain from the lowered trade barriers likely to result from the ruling. In effect, the decision is an attempt to balance US domestic environmental concerns against the benefits of increased international trade.
Publication Name: American Journal of International Law
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0002-9300
Year: 1996
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International trade - WTO - quantitative restrictions - environmental protection - endangered species - U.S. import ban on shrimp
Article Abstract:
The World Trade Organization's decision in the US Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products case is discussed. Issues include whether US ban is in violation of GATT and WTO regulations regarding endangered species.
Publication Name: American Journal of International Law
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0002-9300
Year: 1999
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Enforcement and countermeasures in the WTO: rules are rules - toward a more collective approach
Article Abstract:
The author examines the enforcement and countermeasure procedures which the World Trade Organization is empowered to use to resolve trade disputes and suggests a need to improve the enforcement rules/
Publication Name: American Journal of International Law
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0002-9300
Year: 2000
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