Will productivity solve our public and private pension problems?
Article Abstract:
Worker productivity gains are generally considered the solution to the reduced ratio of workers per dependents, such as retirees and children, that is undermining both public and private pensions. However, recent productivity gains have not been due to skilled workers but rather to technological advancements while the investments in the work force have not increased. This problem will only become greater as more assets are converted by retirees, making the solution of productivity gains less attainable.
Publication Name: Journal of the American Society of CLU & ChFC
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1052-2875
Year: 1996
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Consumers want value and information without wasting time
Article Abstract:
Baby boomers, seeking investments providing the best value while using the least amount of their time, have not invested as much in insurance as in stocks and 401(k)s. Although insurance investments can provide some advantages, many boomer-age consumers perceive such investments as time-consuming and lacking value. Boomers' investment attitudes are shaped by demographic conditions and a lack of discretionary income.
Publication Name: Journal of the American Society of CLU & ChFC
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1052-2875
Year: 1996
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