Time for TV to grow up
Article Abstract:
The making of attractive television programs by producers which are actually unfit for children's viewing, in order to increase viewer ship, is discussed.
Publisher: EMAP Maclaren Ltd.
Publication Name: Broadcast
Subject: Mass communications
ISSN: 0040-2788
Year: 2006
Forecasts, trends, outlooks, Public affairs, Ethics, Children, Social aspects, Forecasts and trends, Market trend/market analysis, Ethical aspects, Television programs for children, Television producers and directors, Television producers (Persons), Children's television programs
Publication Name: Broadcast
Subject: Mass communications
ISSN: 0040-2788
Year: 2006
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All in the name of art
Article Abstract:
Some of the television programs are passing works that does not come anywhere near the word 'art' are discussed and criticised.
Publisher: EMAP Maclaren Ltd.
Publication Name: Broadcast
Subject: Mass communications
ISSN: 0040-2788
Year: 2005
Television programs, Criticism and interpretation, Performing arts
Publication Name: Broadcast
Subject: Mass communications
ISSN: 0040-2788
Year: 2005
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Woe is me (and TV)
Article Abstract:
The impact of television as career on one's lifestyle is examined.
Publisher: EMAP Maclaren Ltd.
Publication Name: Broadcast
Subject: Mass communications
ISSN: 0040-2788
Year: 2005
Evaluation, Television, Enhanced TV
Publication Name: Broadcast
Subject: Mass communications
ISSN: 0040-2788
Year: 2005
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Subjects list: United Kingdom
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