Inside the tent
Article Abstract:
Paul, Albert and Ralph Reichmann are offering banks a share in Olympia and York Developments Ltd in exchange for a five-year freeze on the repayment of $14.3 billion in debt. If accepted, the plan would be the world's largest corporate restructuring.
Publisher: Rogers Publishing Ltd.
Publication Name: Maclean's
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0024-9262
Year: 1992
Holding companies, Olympia and York Developments Ltd., Reichmann, Paul, family
Publication Name: Maclean's
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0024-9262
Year: 1992
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The risk takers: employees are stepping in where bankers fear to tread to save troubled companies
Article Abstract:
Employee ownership is seen by many as the only way to save a company from moving or from bankruptcy after management has failed to preserve the company. Employees of Canadian Airlines are trying to raise money to purchase the airline.
Publisher: Rogers Publishing Ltd.
Publication Name: Maclean's
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0024-9262
Year: 1992
Airlines, Employee ownership, Corporations, Corporate finance, Canadian Airlines International Ltd.
Publication Name: Maclean's
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0024-9262
Year: 1992
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Subjects list: Finance
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