Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in language production: further evidence for the conceptual selection model of lexical access
Article Abstract:
A study is conducted to determine that in a word translation task with word context, manipulation of stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) leads to a reversal from semantic interference to semantic facilitation as well as examines whether semantic facilitation is still obtained when context pictures are presented earlier and for a limited time. The findings show that the Conceptual Selection Model (CSM) is capable of stimulating the semantic and phonological and lexical context effects obtained in the study.
Publication Name: Journal of Memory and Language
Subject: Psychology and mental health
ISSN: 0749-596X
Year: 2004
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Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation: implications for models of lexical access in language production
Article Abstract:
The processes operating behind semantic interference and semantic facilitation in speech production were studied with reference to word translation. It was concluded that context words induce semantic interference whereas context pictures induce semantic facilitation and it was assumed that in language production only the target concept is lexicalized.
Publication Name: Journal of Memory and Language
Subject: Psychology and mental health
ISSN: 0749-596X
Year: 2003
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Phonological features and phonotactic constraints in speech production
Article Abstract:
A study is conducted to examine whether the diminished functional role of features precludes them from being used to encode phonotactic constraints within the speech production system. The results suggest that the phonotactic constraints can be encoded at the level of features.
Publication Name: Journal of Memory and Language
Subject: Psychology and mental health
ISSN: 0749-596X
Year: 2004
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