Hired education; how to get your staff the best desktop training at the right price
Article Abstract:
Companies can save time and money on desktop publishing software training by contracting with outside training organizations. The major choices to make are whom to contract and whether to conduct training on- or off-site. Off-site training is preferable for several reasons. The complex hardware configurations required for training are difficult to assemble in a company classroom, but constant interruptions and time pressures make it almost impossible to train at the employee's desk. Managers tend to pack on-site classes to justify costs, which typically range from $1,000 to $1,500 per day, regardless of the number of students. But the optimum ratio of students to instructors is one to one, with six or seven being the upper limit. The quality of off-site centers can vary greatly, so thorough research is vital. Finally, cost should never be the bottom line in choosing a center.
Publication Name: Publish
Subject: Publishing industry
ISSN: 0897-6007
Year: 1988
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Pepping up the old PC
Article Abstract:
An 8088-based IBM PC can be upgraded, for $2,000 or less, to desktop publishing status matching the capabilities of systems costing $4,000 and more. This discussion assumes a PC configured as follows: two 360Kbyte double-sided floppy drives; 256Kbytes of RAM; a monochrome monitor and display adapter; and a serial port and a parallel port. Limitations of the PC are of five varieties: graphics, speed, memory, disk storage, and hardware compatibility. The discussion, which details the procedures and outlines possible problems, mainly involves removing and inserting expansion boards.
Publication Name: Publish
Subject: Publishing industry
ISSN: 0897-6007
Year: 1987
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Laserjet helper
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Micrologic's $99.95 Lasermate is a HP Laserjet or compatible laser printer utility for the IBM PC or compatibles. The memory-resident program provides Laserjet compatibility for any program, lets uses control printing styles such as fonts, margins, etc, and lets users select printer commands from within an application. Lasermate lets uses add simple forms with rules, shading and boxes into a preexisting document. Virtually complete control over Laserjet printer functions makes this packages worthwhile and convenient.
Publication Name: Publish
Subject: Publishing industry
ISSN: 0897-6007
Year: 1988
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