Distant thunder from Down Under: an early bird's guide to America's Cup 2000
Article Abstract:
Auckland, New Zealand, hosts America's Cup 2000 in the winter of 1999-2000. Activities related to the race will be centered in a village currently being built around the Viaduct Basin in downtown Auckland. Some of the city's lodging places, marinas and shoreside recreation are featured.
Publication Name: Yachting
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 0043-9940
Year: 1997
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TV down and digitized
Article Abstract:
A digital satellite system uses an antenna dish to receive TV signals from a comunications satellite. Marine hardware costs from $8,000 to $15,000. DIRECTV and the United States Satellite Broadcasting are the companies that provide programming in the US.
Publication Name: Yachting
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 0043-9940
Year: 1996
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