The effect of single and repeated bouts of prolonged cycling on leukocyte redistribution, neutrophil degranulation, IL-6, and plasma stress hormone responses
Article Abstract:
A study was conducted to compare changes in redistribution of leukocyte subsets, stress hormones, IL-6, and neutrophil function to a single bout of prolonged cycling at different times of day and to a 2nd bout of cycling at the same intensity on the same day. The results indicated that the single bout of prolonged exercise induced a larger neutrophilia and monocytosis, and the 2nd prolonged exercise bout caused greater immunoendocrine responses but lower plasma glucose levels and neutrophil functions.
Publication Name: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 1050-1606
Year: 2004
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Chocolate milk as a post-exercise recovery aid
Article Abstract:
A study aims to test the efficacy of chocolate milk as a recovery aid following glycogen-depleting exercise, as determined by performance during a second bout of exercise. Results indicate that chocolate milk, with its high carbohydrate and protein content, may be considered an effective alternative to commercial fluid replacement (FR) and carbohydrate replacement (CR) drinks for recovering from exhausting, glycogen-depleting exercise.
Publication Name: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 1050-1606
Year: 2006
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