Fire and brimstone: the year that was
Article Abstract:
The impediments identified like SARS, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, slumping tourism, ambitious Canadian dollar, and adverse climatic conditions on Canadian soil, especially in the year 2003, left the country's food service industry bankrupt showing the decline in sales by 1.1 percent. The need for the enhancement of the industry from its fragmented state is highlighted.
Publication Name: Foodservice & Hospitality
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0007-8972
Year: 2004
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A banner year
Article Abstract:
The hospitality industry tradeshow HostEx 2003 has attracted 10,440 industry members with 949 booths at the show. The industry was upbeat with optimism despite the recent factors like mad cow outbreak, severe acute respirator syndrome, Iraq war, forest fire and hurricane which severly affected the industry.
Publication Name: Foodservice & Hospitality
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0007-8972
Year: 2003
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SARS crushes Toronto
Article Abstract:
The severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak has taken toll of the travel related industries in Canada. The loss in tourism spending in Toronto, the most affected region, is estimated at $180 million. It is expected that it will ensue bankruptcies and continued lay offs.
Publication Name: Foodservice & Hospitality
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0007-8972
Year: 2003
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