A possible long-lived belt of objects between Uranus and Neptune
Article Abstract:
Around 0.3% of small bodies moving on low-inclination, low-eccentricity orbit in the area 24-27 AU from the Sun could exist for as long as the Solar System. The region of stability between the orbits of Neptune and Uranus which could supply short-period comets is identified using numerical simulations. The giant planets have a gravitational influence on materials in most regions of stability in the outer Solar System. The effect of dynamical processes such as outer-planet migration could be studied in future research to ascertain the impact on surviving object distribution.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1997
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Energetic ions at comet Grigg-Skjellerup measured from the Giotto spacecraft
Article Abstract:
The EPONA instrument on Giotto spacecraft detected charged, energetic particles deep within the inner coma of the comet Grigg-Skjellerup. The ions close to the nucleus were strongly coupled to the ambient magnetic field. The Giotto spacecraft, that flew within about 200 km of the nucleus of Grigg-Skijellerup, had the closet approach so far of a spacecraft to a cometary nucleus.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1993
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Fly-through at Wild 2
Article Abstract:
Comet Wild 2 presented an unique opportunity for the Stardust spacecraft to investigate the evolution of the comet as it flew through the coma - the dust and gas escaping from the tail - to send back information to the Earth. Many differences were noted as compared to other comets, which were visited by other spacecraft.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 2004
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