Individual preparation for Y2K
Article Abstract:
Individuals may start their Y2K preparation by storing non-perishable foods and water just in case the computer bug causes massive brownouts and blocks in the food supply chain. A portable radio can be handy if communication lines are cut. They should get hard copies of all financial transactions.
Publication Name: Utne Reader
Subject: General interest
ISSN: 8750-0256
Year: 1999
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A chronology of teapots
Article Abstract:
The teapot evolved through the last three centuries with changes in size, shape, ornamentation, and materials. Twentieth century designs were copied from the intricate examples of the past while present motifs are smaller and much simpler in appearance.
Publication Name: Early American Homes
Subject: Home furnishings industry
ISSN: 1086-9948
Year: 1997
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Face off!
Article Abstract:
Animals eat other animals in order to survive and when they face each other, they fight for their lives. A pictorial account of a confrontation between a bobcat and a muskrat is presented.
Publication Name: Wild
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 1492-014X
Year: 2004
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