Microscopic coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in ErNi2B2C
Article Abstract:
Small-angle neutron scattering studies of the superconducting vortex lattice in ErNi2B2C reveal an interplay between magnetic order and vortex lines. The development of magnetic order induces the vortex lines to disorder and rotate away from the direction of the applied magnetic field. The ErNi2B2C crystal is grown using an exceptionally high-temperature flux method and the sample is characterized by X-ray, transport, and longitudinal as well as transverse magnetization measurements. The results show clear evidence of microscopic coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1996
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Structural evidence for a two-step process in the depinning of the superconducting flux-line lattice
Article Abstract:
The nature of superconducting flux-line lattices undergoing depinning when in the presence of direct current can be explored using small-angle neuron scattering. This technique allowed for the discovery of three stages that characterize the depinning process with the flux lattice structure without motion as it approaches the critical current density; initiating disordered, plastic motion; and then becoming a coherently moving flux crystal once depinning is achieved.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1995
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Intertwined symmetry of the magnetic modulation and the flux-line lattice in the superconducting state of TmNi2B2C
Article Abstract:
Some materials can exhibit the properties of ferromagnetism amd superconductivity, but both long-range states are normally mutually exclusive. A new study of the compound TmNi2B2C investigates the effect of small-angle neutron scattering which reveals that the symmetry of the flux-line lattice and the magnetic modulation are strongly coupled.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1998
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