Republicans seek to widen cloning ban
Article Abstract:
US Republicans believe President Bill Clinton's planned legislation on human cloning is inadequate. The Cloning Probition Act outlaws the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning for the creation of humans for an initial period of five years. Some legislators are calling for a permanent ban on the cloning of research embryos which will not be used for implantation as well as a ban on the cloning of humans for reproductive purposes. Some Republicans claim the planned law is morally insufficient and will allow the private sector to develop human cloning research.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1997
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Congress vows to contest 'unacceptable' NIH plans
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Biomedical lobbyists are complaining about Pres. Bill Clinton's 1998 budget proposals which would boost funding for the National Institutes of Health by 2.6% to $13.1 billion. The increase is less than the 6.9% and 5.7% hikes that Congress approved in 1997 and 1996, respectively. Moreover, the increase is less than the 3.1% 'biomedical inflation' rate calculated for 1998. Congressman John Porter, an appropriations subcommittee chairman, has also expressed his disappointment over the 2.6% overall increase.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1997
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NIH clinical research plans under fire from Republicans
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Pres. Clinton's 1997 budget proposal for the National Institutes of Health has been criticized by the Republicans in the US Congress as irresponsible. A new clinical research facility called the Clinical Research Center (CRC) will need a budget of $310 million. Clinton administration officials claim there was a need to build the CRC to replace the 1953 facility. Some external scientists warned that the release of the budget in one fiscal year could cause the uneven flow of funds for grants.
Publication Name: Nature
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0028-0836
Year: 1996
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