The employment impact of new technology: recent European evidence
Article Abstract:
The effect of the introduction of information technology on employment in European Community countries is examined. A 1987-88 survey of firms in the mechanical engineering, electronics, banking, insurance and retail industries was conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Dublin. The results indicate that out of the 331,424 persons affected by the introduction of information technology in their companies, 39% were new recruits and about 18% voluntarily resigned or were let go by their firms. An unknown percentage of the companies surveyed experienced a combination of new recruitment and employee transfers due to technological innovations. Comparing the beneficiaries and victims of new technology, the results suggest that the use of information technology in business firms has positive job creation effects.
Publication Name: Journal of General Management
Subject: Business, general
ISSN: 0306-3070
Year: 1992
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Information power in the private company
Article Abstract:
Small private companies cannot survive on entrepreneurial intuition alone. Like it or not, these firms need the information systems used by large-scale companies. The success or failure of organizations in the present marketplace may depend on their use of information to support key business decisions. Information programs do not always have to be prohibitively expensive. A simple five-component information program is proposed for entrepreneurs who want a practical and low-cost approach to the generation and utilization of information. This program's elements are financial analysis, productivity, marketplace intelligence, analysis of people patterns and trends management.
Publication Name: Journal of General Management
Subject: Business, general
ISSN: 0306-3070
Year: 1992
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Competitive advantage through information technology
Article Abstract:
Organizations can gain a competitive advantage by using information technology. Examples of how information technology can help a company include: affecting entry barriers, changing the basis of competition, creating new products, and improving supplier relations. A successful implementation of information technology requires a commitment to the project at all levels of the company, finding the right staff, and taking a multi-disciplinary approach to project management.
Publication Name: Journal of General Management
Subject: Business, general
ISSN: 0306-3070
Year: 1987
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