When a man reaches a certain age...
Article Abstract:
A case study is presented describing the impact of the male menopause on a marriage. Advice is also given on how best to deal with the husband's self-indulgent and ego-boosting behavior, and how to prevent him from having an affair with a flirtatious, younger colleague.
Publisher: Bauer Publishing Company, L.P.
Publication Name: First for Women
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 1040-9467
Year: 2001
Care and treatment, Male menopause
Publication Name: First for Women
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 1040-9467
Year: 2001
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Grown-up girls get crushes too!
Article Abstract:
Women develop crushes even if they are happily married. Such feelings are normal and harmless and can even be used to bring the romance back into a marriage. These can be dangerous, however, if they interfere with a woman's relationship with her husband or her children.
Publisher: Bauer Publishing Company, L.P.
Publication Name: First for Women
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 1040-9467
Year: 1995
Psychological aspects, Married women, Interpersonal attraction
Publication Name: First for Women
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 1040-9467
Year: 1995
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