Lease finance in emerging markets: an Eastern European study
Article Abstract:
The development of the lease financing business in the emerging markets of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic is examined. The study identifies the factors inhibiting the growth of the leasing market in these countries, and analyzes the regulatory environment and accounting of leases in the region. Findings indicate that leasing is growing popular as an industry and as a financial instrument. Still, there are a number of factors that prevent further development, including the scarcity of finance and capital investments, and the lack of adequate protective legislation.
Publication Name: Managerial Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0307-4358
Year: 1996
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Alternative models for the conditional heteroskedasticity of stock returns: evidence from deposit institutions
Article Abstract:
Three models from the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) family have been evaluated for their effectivity in describing the unconditional distribution of deposit institutions daily stock returns. Results showed that no significant improvements in describing ability could be ascribed to the EGARCH-M, RGB and GJR models, due to their failure at modeling skewness and kurtosis. However, they were shown to be adequate in describing intertemporal dependence in the conditional mean and variance.
Publication Name: Managerial Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0307-4358
Year: 1997
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Estimating the minimum risk maturity gap: some evidence from the savings and loan industry
Article Abstract:
An analysis of minimum risk gap exposures for several sample financial institutions reveals that cross-sectional regressions verify estimated minimum risk maturity gaps to be positively associated with the actual gap rations of forms and that the estimated risk gap positions are not generally zero. Efforts to reduce negative gap exposures are also risk-reducing and efforts to move closer to minimum risk exposures should not necessarily stop at a matched position.
Publication Name: Managerial Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0307-4358
Year: 1997
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