Privatisation: the Malaysian response to national debt and economic restructuring
Article Abstract:
Privatization has failed to curb soaring government expenditures in private sector growth as well as attain national debt and economic restructuring in line with the National Economic Policy. In the 1980s when privatization was introduced as a policy, there was no noticeable decline in administrative and development expenditures. During this initial period of privatization, there was likewise no decrease in both external and domestic debts, since both remained generally high. This may be attributed to the fact that the debt structures of privatized concerns remained the same, despite changes in management and equity.
Publication Name: Managerial Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0307-4358
Year: 1996
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Globalisation challenges and competitiveness: the role of the state and private sector in Malaysia
Article Abstract:
Malaysia needs to further strengthen its economy if it is to pursue and achieve globalization. Foreign investments need to be assessed according to their effects on the country's technological development and the enhancement of inter-industry linkages. The country should also exert efforts to increase its supply of highly skilled labor through increases in R&D and technical training funding. Focus should be on improving education, training, R&D and science and technology to keep up with the rest of the world.
Publication Name: Managerial Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0307-4358
Year: 1996
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The day of the merchant: a comment on economic thought in a national order
Article Abstract:
The major elements of economic thought in the 'national order' of mercantilism are analyzed. As part of the analysis, the main economic ideas of the 17th-century English merchant Thomas Mun are reviewed. Mun was a prominent citizen of a national order and an staunch supporter of mercantilism. The nature of economic thought in the national order is also discussed as well as the visible influence of mercantilism in current economic doctrine.
Publication Name: Managerial Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0307-4358
Year: 1999
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