Reading the digital tarot
Article Abstract:
Forecasts are made for computer technologies, products and alliances in the year 1996. Storage trends are exemplified by the offering of phase-change read-write CD-ROM drives by Compaq on its desktop systems and Micron's offering of the Iomega Jaz drive as an option on its PCs. The new 4.7GB compact disc technology will be used in both computers and consumer electronics products. One million digital video cassettes (DVCs) will be sold in the technology's first full year, and the major digital editing system makers will announce hardware for the DVC technology. Oracle's proposal of a $500 Internet computer will be very popular by 1999 with Sony and Matsushita likely to have a large share of the market. Netscape will be the Microsoft of the Internet. Java may have great potential, but other Web development tools will become common by summer 1996. The outlook for interactive TV, 3D virtual environments and virtual avatars on the Internet is discussed.
Publication Name: Newmedia
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1060-7188
Year: 1996
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Is NT in your future?
Article Abstract:
The Macintosh OS may be losing ground as the platform of choice for multimedia developers. Representatives of two major multimedia and Web development companies attending a roundtable discussion signaled their intentions to move their production systems from Macintosh to Windows. Developers say that the imperative of producing a viable Windows product makes development for the Macintosh platform a second-tier priority. Other roundtable participants said their companies would remain allegiant to the Macintosh platform, citing statistics that demonstrate the greater success of Mac-based shops. The ability to support multiple processors is one clear advantage of the Windows NT operating system.
Publication Name: Newmedia
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1060-7188
Year: 1996
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Can Microsoft play monopoly with Windows 95?
Article Abstract:
Microsoft's Windows 95 has been widely publicized. The product's immense beta test will overcome the potential for bugs simply because of the size and scope of the program. Windows 95's features and tools may surpass the Macintosh as the leading multimedia development platform. The potential superiority of Windows 95 could give Microsoft a monopoly over desktop-to-LAN operating systems. Users will face a dilemma if Microsoft controls a large share of both the operating system and applications market, and they may have a limited selection of tools. It is possible that some competing multimedia technologies will never be able to compete against Microsoft's marketing strength.
Publication Name: Newmedia
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1060-7188
Year: 1995
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- Abstracts: Publishing on the World Wide Web. Corralling your content. Middleware eases the Webmaster's burden
- Abstracts: Right on the button. Refining Feynman. The premier authoring program does Windows
- Abstracts: Infini-D 4.0 and Ray Dream Studio 5. New dimensions in VRML authoring. Animation and video complete Painter's palette
- Abstracts: Audio for the NewMedia CD. Windows 95. PC multimedia grows up. Getting real with RealAudio