'Your Guide to American Bell'
Article Abstract:
The American Bell company has two principal divisions. The Consumer Products (CP) division operates over 400 Phone Centers which sell and service basic phones from approximately forty to seventy-two dollars, automatic dialers, and other instruments. The Advanced Information Systems (AIS) division has a subdivision, General Business Systems (GBS) which serves users of forty phones or less. GBS offers the Com Key 416 system, using up to four lines and providing conferencing, paging and other options, and the Western Electric Horizon microprocessor-run system for up to thirty-two trunk lines and seventy-nine special phones. The AIS National Business Division (NBD) provides larger more complex systems. Special circuit packs can be used with NBD's Dimension switching systems which allow voice-data transmission without modems at speeds up to 9,600 BPS. System 85 has a building management application and Pro 150 and 500 provide automatic call distribution. AIS Net 1000 allows message exchange by eighty-five per cent of marketable computers. Customer services, including consulting, plus pamphlet titles and an AIS telephone number are given.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1983
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Getting a Handle on the New Phone Rates
Article Abstract:
An explanation of the companies and services resulting from the breakup of AT&T is presented. AT&T-Information Services (IS), owner of Phone Center retail outlets, and AT&T- Communications (long distance service) are two new divisions. New, too, are the Bell Operating Companies which manage Local Access and Transport Area service for major cities and also manage Centrex equipment and service. Advice is given on comparing AT&T-WATS, 800-WATS, other common carriers, and resale carriers by comparing rates and monthly charges (including access surcharges) and by resolving whether message unit charges, dedicated circuits, and rented lines are used. Basically, cost-per-minute, cost-per-call, and average length of call must be determined monthly. Companies that invested in long-term contracts will be interested in AT&T-IS's Price Predictability Program which includes terms for sale or replacement of systems. Charts of some comparative charges for interstate calls are presented.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1984
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BOC Marketing after the Breakup
Article Abstract:
Ohio Bell Communications is competing directly with other companies for the telecommunications market. The company is establishing very competitive prices for its products. A technical organization is planned, with a guaranteed service response time. Centrex will be marketed with added features. Flexibility and responsiveness, along with competitive pricing, are key marketing strategies.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1984
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- Abstracts: Astea adds remote capabilities to Heat. Measuring customer feedback gets easier. ServiceWare helps knowledge authoring
- Abstracts: ERP apps cry out for end-to-end education. BMC manages networked apps. MacMillan goes to top of class
- Abstracts: Video Profits and Sales on Rise but Industry Debates Marketing Thrusts. Portable VCR Share Gains to 30% in '83
- Abstracts: The Politics of Promotion. Managing for Superperformance. Building Team Spirit
- Abstracts: Reports from the Ergonomic Frontiers: Europe Holds Course. 1983 is Emerging as the 'Year of the Executive Computer.'