ERP apps cry out for end-to-end education
Article Abstract:
Chaos would result when enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications are launched without properly training employees, according to experts. For instance, Grant Shaw, DA Consulting Group's VP for operations, said the best ERP systems become useless when end users do not know how to use them. ERP systems allow companies to automate their operations from plant maintenance to bookkeeping. Analysts say that as many as 70% of Fortune 1000 firms have or will soon have this systems.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1998
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MacMillan goes to top of class
Article Abstract:
MacMillan Education and Training entered into a partnership with WBT Systems to allow students to work online on their computer literacy, language programming and other computer courses. With the WBT Systems' TopClass Software, MacMillan will be able to provide its coursework via the Web by hosting a site and selling passwords to students, or offer the courseware on file to be published on a user's server. MacMillan can also provide two testing options by using the software.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1999
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BMC manages networked apps
Article Abstract:
BMC Software has launched its new applications management software called Patrol Knowledge Module for Networked Applications. The software integrates application management and network management for faster detection and solution of problems. The products allows companies to improve the return on investment that they are already getting from their system and network management products.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1999
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