Boating's biggest month?
Article Abstract:
With two important meetings - the Conference on Marine Industry Technical Training, in Fort Lauderdale, and the all-industry meeting at the Miami International Boat Show on the Grow Boating Initiative - scheduled for February, the month is very significant for the recreational boating industry. These meetings will address the most crucial issues facing the marine industry, namely attracting more skilled people to the marine trades, and boosting consumer sales for boats.
Publication Name: Soundings Trade Only
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-8369
Year: 2005
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Grow Boating launched in Miami
Article Abstract:
The Grow Boating advertising campaign for the year 2006 focuses on encouraging people to regain control of their lives and reconnect with family by discovering boating. A budget of $16.2 million has been allocated for the campaign.
Publication Name: Soundings Trade Only
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-8369
Year: 2005
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