US electronic retailers look for bright 'second future' in China
Article Abstract:
The Electronic Retailing Assn (ERA) has urged its members to consider investing again in China. The group said that the implementation of economic reforms over the last 20 years has changed the economic landscape in China, culminating in the full integration of market principles into the economy in the late 1990s. ERA added that prospects for profits are greater under the current market condition.
Publication Name: DM News
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-3588
Year: 2000
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CatalogCity bucks consolidation trend with expansion abroad
Article Abstract: expands its international business, in hopes of making profits where many other dot.coms failed.
Publication Name: DM News
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-3588
Year: 2001
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Reader's Digest targets China within 18 months, sees strong growth in emerging markets
Article Abstract:
The Reader's Digest is actively targeting China within 18 months as part of a proposed expansion into emerging markets. The expansion will reportedly be led by the firm's new CEO, Thomas Ryder, who holds reputation in publishing, direct marketing and international experience. The Digest has a Chinese language edition, which is being sold in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The firm is reportedly considering China publishing and believes that China will be a successful market for the Digest despite that US firms are not allowed to own media companies in the region.
Publication Name: DM News
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-3588
Year: 1998
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