Productivity differences across employers: the roles of employer size, age, and human capital
Article Abstract:
A study was conducted to analyze the relationship between labor productivity and the composition of the firm's workforce as measured by observable worker characteristics. Longitudinal matched employer employee micro data were utilized to carry out the analysis. The data set included longitudinal information on major outcomes of businesses and basic demographic characteristics of workers. Results indicated that differences in the mix of workers across businesses correlate with variations in the productivity levels across businesses.
Publication Name: American Economic Review
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0002-8282
Year: 1999
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Technology, employment, and the business cycle: do technology shocks explain aggregate fluctuations?
Article Abstract:
The decomposition of productivity and hours into technology and non-technology components is estimated. The results showed that the estimated conditional correlations of hours and productivity are positive for non-technology shocks and negative for technology shocks. In addition, a persistent decline in response to a positive technology shock was noted in hours. The results obtained were consistent with those generated by a simple model with sticky prices and monopolistic competition.
Publication Name: American Economic Review
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0002-8282
Year: 1999
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