The challenge ahead
Article Abstract:
Britain's universities have long been regarded as world leaders, but the undergraduate education system has been built on the understanding that the state would cover most of the associated costs. Changing attitudes towards higher education mean that it is no longer regarded as elitist but as a right for all. The transition from elite to mass education means that institutions will have to generate more funding, either from students or elsewhere, if they are to maintain their quality. The effect of poorly-funded universities will be a widening of the gap between those that succeed and those that fail, thus weakening the whole system.
Publication Name: Times Higher Education Supplement
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0049-3929
Year: 1998
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The report falls short
Article Abstract:
UK proposals to widen access to higher education by reforming admissions systems are unlikely to achieve much on their own. A survey of working class people suggests that the social and economic risks of higher education need to be reduced to attract more people from this group to university.
Publication Name: Times Higher Education Supplement
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0049-3929
Year: 2001
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Fail at social inclusion and win more money
Article Abstract:
The UK government has pledged extra funding for higher education, but not all institutions will benefit in real terms. The government's aim is social inclusion, but its higher education policy focuses on elite institutions.
Publication Name: Times Higher Education Supplement
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0049-3929
Year: 2000
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