Avoid these technical writing mistakes
Article Abstract:
Most chemical engineers have a few, poor writing habits that make their technical reports dull and difficult to understand. The twelve most common problems in technical writing include poor content organization, writing that is not built around the needs, interests and desires of readers and the use of too many technical terms, cliches antiquated phrases, passive sentences and adjectives. An analysis of these 12 problems will make the task of technical writing easier and more productive.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 1998
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Write a better brochure
Article Abstract:
The importance of having the expertise to write an ad or product brochure so that it gains attention was discussed. The simple tips and guidelines to achieve this expertise were mentioned.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2001
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Improve your reading efficiency and speed
Article Abstract:
In todayEs information based society, where all jobs require one to go through a lot of reading material, some helpful tips have been given to enable efficient and fast reading habits.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2003
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