Basic science
Article Abstract:
The year 1996 will see renewed interest in basic research and engineering topics such as superconductivity, optical data storage, coherent matter and inversion-free ultraviolet and X-ray lasers. These topics are expected to be in the forefront of the scientific community's research agenda in 1996 since they promise to open a variety of new applications that will offer significant technological benefits.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 1996
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Teleporting what matters : one small step for an atom, but a giant leap for quantum computing
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Teleportation means moving a person or an object by means of some mysterious, magical energy in the common parlance of science fiction and quack spiritualism. It refers to transferring the state of one atomic or sub-atomic particle to another over a distance and without direct physical contact.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 2004
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Sins of transmission?
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Vatican Radio's high-power antennas are charged of causing cancer. Locals and environmentalists are trying to have the Vatican shut down the complex.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 2005
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- Abstracts: Analysis 3: Simon's in a hole. Analysis 2: Simon's not alone. Analysis 1: Simon's flawed foresight
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- Abstracts: Safety in the skies. TQM: flimsy footing or firm foundation?
- Abstracts: Basic requirements of a quality manual. Improve profits with standards. New standard guides internal and supplier audits
- Abstracts: Is it already that time--again? A brief history of QMS standards. The right place at the right time