Carrying on the P&G tradition
Article Abstract:
Procter and Gamble CEO Edwin L. Artzt believes total quality management (TQM) is the best way to sustain competitive advantage in the domestic and global markets and the means to achieve the company's globalization and long-term development philosophy. TQM means constantly exceeding consumer expectations, monitored by consumer satisfaction indexes taken worldwide, and hinges on the fact that customers pledge loyalty to products, not companies. It must be paired with carefully-thought strategies, however, to ensure success. Having seen the value of quality maintenance, the company embarked on a Total Quality Forum program to instill quality consciousness even at school-level.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1992
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Quality, American style
Article Abstract:
The implementation of total quality control in US companies often meets resistance from employees. This is attributed to American archetypes that describe how Americans view quality and improvement. Effective quality management must, therefore, be adapted to American archetypes and focusmore on the individual and individual processes. The identification of Americanarchetypes for quality and improvement was conducted in two separate studies bypsychologist and international marketing researcher G. Clotaire Rapaille.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1993
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More than 10,000 reasons to review QP's 2006 salary survey results
Article Abstract:
The results of a global survey on the salaries of quality professionals for the year 2006, are presented. More than 10,000 respondents from the United States of America, Canada and other countries participated in the survey.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2006
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