Flexible lifeline thrown to empty city offices: a little known clause in the General Development Order could hold the key to mixed-used conversions of empty city centre offices
Article Abstract:
The downturn in the office market has meant that many city centre offices are left empty. The situation could help planning authroities to stimulate mixed-use developments, with offices converted to residential use. This would create new communities and bring life to city centres. However residential places are less profitable than offices and landowners are reluctant to see a fall in revenue. A clause in the 1995 General Development Order enables owners of empty office blocks to convert their buildings to residential use, with the flexibility to change back to office use if the market improves.
Publication Name: Planning Week
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 1352-8424
Year: 1996
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Plans for Scottish open cast pit await resolution
Article Abstract:
Scottish Coal and Fife Council are negotiating plans to develop an open cast mine at Greenbank near Dunfermline. The council rejected the application by Scottish Coal due to the proximity of the site to an area secured for inward investment, and the effects of blasting on delicate machinery at the Hyndai plant. Also potential damage to the environment, such as dust, noise and visual impact, is at issue, and the council has appointed Scottish Natural Heritage to act as an expert witness on the impact on the landscape.
Publication Name: Planning Week
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 1352-8424
Year: 1997
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