How 'EPC Co.' revamped its NPD process
Article Abstract:
New-product-development (NPD) processes offer companies an efficient means of increasing market competence while providing vast opportunities for technological development. Basically, the success of NPD process is anchored on the ability of senior management personnel to implement new practices and drastic changes. By promoting coordination among employees, companies are likely to experience improved decision-making through NPD.
Publication Name: Research-Technology Management
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0895-6308
Year: 1999
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Kodak applies strategic intent to the management of technology
Article Abstract:
The benefits gained by Eastman Kodak Co from the implementation of the process of strategic intent are discussed. Strategic intent is a management approach that focuses on lower costs and product differentiation simultaneously, with neither being the company's sole focus. The strategic intent process has aided Kodak in maximizing business opportunities and in enhancing customer service.
Publication Name: Research-Technology Management
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0895-6308
Year: 1993
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Technology and competitive advantage - the role of general management
Article Abstract:
The practices of executives at Corning, GE andMotorola regarding the strategic use of technology are identified. Of specific concern is the role of general management in building and maintaining leadership in technology. A striking similarity found among these three giant companies was in a consistent and clear business focus, which had a dramatic effect on technology development.
Publication Name: Research-Technology Management
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0895-6308
Year: 1993
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