Molecular magnets may advance microelectronics
Article Abstract:
Researchers in the Materials and Interfaces Dept at Weizmann Institute in Israel are studying new magnetic materials made from nickel dichloride molecules that are smaller than metal/organic compounds used in creating molecular magnets. The molecules have been built from individual atoms and can self-assemble into a spherical layer one molecule thick. The molecules are promising materials for molecular switches since they are less influenced by the magnetic fields of neighboring molecules and are impervious to other environmental factors, such as temperature.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 1998
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Waste encapsulation group formed
Article Abstract:
EUROTECH Ltd, a Fairfield, VA-based company, has established a Nuclear and Environmental Div to spearhead the marketing of EKOR, a geopolymer composite material used in the encapsulation and isolation of nuclear waste. In addition, the division is expected to promote specialized application techniques and product formulations for encapsulation of other environmental wastes. The division will initially demonstrate EKOR's effectiveness at the facilities of the US Department of Energy.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2001
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Select the right alloys for refineries and petrochemical plants
Article Abstract:
A wide range of cast and wrought alloys are used as materials for pressure vessels, piping, fittings, valves and other refinery and petrochemical plant equipment. These materials must be able to withstand temperatures to over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit and different high-temperature corrosion such as oxidation and carburization. These alloys include the plain carbon or low-alloy steels, ferritic alloys and the 18Cr-8Ni austenistic group of stainless steels.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 1999
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