Flames of jihad: Australia's bushfires tempt al Qaeda's men of hate
Article Abstract:
Bushfire at Canberra, Australia has tempted al Qaeda to plan for forest fires in the western countries, which will form a part of its global terror campaign. As per an unidentified al Queda detainee, they planned to set midsummer forest fires in American wilderness states.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 2003
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Terrorists don't need states
Article Abstract:
The ways in which states like Syria, Iran, Iraq and Libya have sponsored terrorism is reported. It is stated that the danger would be less when a state would sponsor a terror group rather than a terror group sponsoring a state, which has happened in Afghanistan.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 2004
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Outer limits
Article Abstract:
Issues discussed concern the impact of technology and computer science on medicine and biology. Predictions about the future of artificial organs, human engineering, and living cells in computers are addressed.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1999
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