Short-term salve for long term's cancer
Article Abstract:
Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan coordinated a $3.5 bil rescue of Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), but the underlying problems have not been solved and could cause further instability in financial markets. Japan's banking system also is in crisis because their low growth, deflation, and inadequate responses to market changes have caused many to go bankrupt.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1998
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The trouble with bubbles
Article Abstract:
An analysis is presented on financial bubbles, which occur when asset prices rise to an ultimately unsustainable level. The components that mark the formation of financial bubbles, reviews of past financial bubbles, and an analysis of the economic growth of the 1990s are discussed.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1999
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Keep your eyes on the road
Article Abstract:
The author explores how the growing pressure on traditional early-warning signals of increasing inflation used by the US Federal Reserve and why these methods are ineffective. Examples of how these warning signs are flawed and possible solutions are highlighted.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1999
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- Abstracts: Running for cover. The trouble with Willey. Clinton and the intern
- Abstracts: Where have all the militants gone? Sometimes the truth hurts. Let the battle royal begin
- Abstracts: With a nod to history, Rieth barges ahead. The road to republicanism is littered with wreckers. ALP branch declares war on rationalism
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