The era of bad feeling
Article Abstract:
President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House on Dec 19, 1998 for engaging in an inappropriate relationship with the former White House intern Monica Lewinsky while he was committing the US to strike against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in the Operation Desert Fox. Despite the political turmoil, most Americans were busy Christmas shopping and enjoying the best economic times in the history of the country.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1998
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Why the U.S. should bomb ... why bombing is a bad idea
Article Abstract:
One side argues that Saddam Hussein is breaking the terms of the 1991 gulf-war peace agreement. The cease fire demanded that Saddam Hussein give inspectors access to all sites. Failure to comply with any UN demands is an act of war. However, another position questions whether bombing Iraq accomplishes anything. It will not destroy Iraq's capacity to manufacture weapons of mass destruction.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1998
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Let's get real about Iraq
Article Abstract:
Issues concerning the effectiveness of US policies on and sanctions against Iraq are discussed. The case for military sanctions by nations, preventing access by the Iraqi regime to weapons and containing Saddam Hussein, is argued.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 2001
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- Abstracts: The powers of the pollsters. The Grits get in gear. The end of loyalty
- Abstracts: The growth of the mutual fund industry. Common myths about mutual funds
- Abstracts: The meaning of Versace and de Gaulle. Ross and Rodman and the big time. Situation normal: nothing makes sense
- Abstracts: Decades of dithering. More questions than answers at talkfest. Federal politics: new Labor: no dissent, no debate, no passion
- Abstracts: The road to a republic is still long and winding. Branch stackers' days are numbered