May Day May Day: the anarchists are coming! Or are they?
Article Abstract:
Issues concerning planning May Day anti-capitalist demonstrations in London, England, are discussed. It is argued that the majority of those who support the anti-capitalist movement are not violent.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 2001
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The older person's guide to Eminem
Article Abstract:
Experiences of attending the Reading Festival after a gap of more than 20 years are presented. Particular attention is given to the performance of rapper Eminem.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 2001
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My sad life under the Tories: a memoir by Mark Steel
Article Abstract:
The experiences of a socialist activist are presented. Particular attention is given to the activities of the Anti-Nazi League.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 2001
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