Wall's end?
Article Abstract:
The Cotswolds area has traditionally been most well known for its honey-coloured dry stone walls, many of which date back several centuries. However, many of these are now in a poor state of repair and are presenting a cause for concern. Most are owned by landowners, and have deteriorated as a result of changes in farming and of economic pressures. Landowners no longer need them, and find it cheaper to erect modern forms of fencing rather than repair them when they get damaged. Concerned local people are now volunteering to undertake repairs for nothing.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1995
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Gordon Halling owns a small piece of history: a share in one of Britain's last feudal strip farms
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Upham Meadow, a large pasture situated near Tewkesbury, England, is one of the last remaining feudal strip farms in the country. This system of farming began in Saxon times, and remnants of it are still in operation. The meadow is still used by farmers as a type of cooperative, and there is considerable activity there during the summer months. It is important that modern villagers are not allowed to threaten ancient farming practices of this kind, according to Gordon Halling, who owns 71 acres of the meadow and holds the title of hay warden.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1996
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It's all down to Matthews family values
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Peakviewing Transatlantic film company, launched by the Matthews family in 1991, has now made four feature films, but is still run from the family home. Various members of the family are responsible for finance, script writing, production and post-production, and they have had to learn to compromise in order to work successfully together. The company's films have received good reviews, and in 1994 its turnover reached $7 million.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1995
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