Photolytic transformation of organic pollutants on soil surfaces-an experimental approacn
Article Abstract:
Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology in Dubendorf, Switzerland investigates the photolysis of organic pollutants such as pesticides on soil surfaces.
Publication Name: Environmental Science & Technology
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0013-936X
Year: 2000
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Linear free energy relationships used to evaluate equilibrium partitioning of organic compounds
Article Abstract:
Limitations and benefits of both single parameter Linear Free Energy Relationships (LFERs) and polyparameter LFERs are discussed in detail. The polyparmeter equation's ability to allow partitioning data from a myriad of compound classes within a single equation is cited among several other benefits of polyparameter LFERs as a reason the field of environmental chemistry should focus on implementing polyparameter LFERs instead of single parameter LFERs for the evaluation of neutral organic compound partitioning processes
Publication Name: Environmental Science & Technology
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0013-936X
Year: 2001
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Empirical prediction of heats of vaporization and heats of adsorption of organic compounds
Article Abstract:
This study provides empirical prediction equations for estimation of various organic compounds' temperature dependence on vapor pressure and adsorption.
Publication Name: Environmental Science & Technology
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0013-936X
Year: 1999
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