Soft-ground subway construction
Article Abstract:
Construction of the Mid-City E-2 Route by the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area Transit Authority involves special techniques to control noise and ensure minimum disruption to the areas surrounding the soft-ground subway. New Austrian Tunneling Method and shield-driven tunneling have been used for the excavation work. Geomembrane and geofabric ensure tight waterproofing. Pregrouting and face breasting are being used to prevent loss of ground during mining. A multipronged technique, using floating slabs and soft rail fasteners, minimizes noise and vibrations.
Publication Name: Civil Engineering
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0885-7024
Year: 1996
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Trench boxes help get to the bottom of this
Article Abstract:
'Component trench boxes' were used as part of the excavation and shoring techniques in digging up drums from an industrial landfill. The boxes preventedsurface soils from collapsing and the drums from being buried deeper. The landfill belongs to Ciba-Geigy Corp, which has used it for 5 years, to store drums laden with chemical wastes. It was thought to be contaminated although preliminary tests were inconclusive. The engineering contractor suggested that the drums be excavated to determine the magnitude of the contamination.
Publication Name: Civil Engineering
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0885-7024
Year: 1993
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Vacuum excavation makes clean sweep of utilities
Article Abstract:
Engineers in Belmont, CA, used vacuum excavation to locate underground utility lines. Vacuum excavation involves the removal of small pavement area with a jackhammer. An air lance is then used to loosen the soil and a vacuum hose collects the rubble until the utility lines are located. The distance between of the utility lines from the pavement are measured and painted on the pavement and recorded in plans. The use of vacuum excavation eliminated damage to underground lines.
Publication Name: Civil Engineering
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0885-7024
Year: 1993
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