The buying impulse
Article Abstract:
What is impulse buying? Despite the marketing and lifestyle factors that encourage it today, impulse buying is not yet well understood. This is due in part to the long-standing absence of a compelling conceptualization of this distinctive type of purchasing behavior. This article reviews extant research on impulsive behavior and then introduces a new interpretation of impulse buying. Following this are the results of an exploratory study that investigates the phenomenology of consumers' impulse buying episodes. The research identifies: (1) the subjective experiences that distinguish the onset of the buying impulse, (2) how consumers cope with their impulsive urges to buy, and (3) the types of negative consequences they incur as a result of their impulsive buying. (Reprinted by permission of the publisher.)
Publication Name: Journal of Consumer Research
Subject: Social sciences
ISSN: 0093-5301
Year: 1987
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Normative influences on impulsive buying behavior
Article Abstract:
Although consumer researchers have investigated impulse buying for nearly 50 years, almost no research has empirically examined its normative aspects. This article presents conceptual and empirical evidence that consumers' normative evaluations (i.e., judgments about the appropriateness of engaging in impulse buying behavior) moderate the relationship between the impulse buying trait and consumers' buying behaviors. Specifically, the relationship between the buying impulsiveness trait and related buying behaviors is significant only when consumers believe that acting on impulse is appropriate. The findings from studies across student and retail customer samples converge and support the hypothesized moderating role of consumers' normative evaluations. (Reprinted by permission of the publisher.)
Publication Name: Journal of Consumer Research
Subject: Social sciences
ISSN: 0093-5301
Year: 1995
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The ritual dimension of consumer behavior
Article Abstract:
Ritualized activities are a regular part of the day-to-day lives of all people, whether at work, home or play and in both their individual and social lives. Ritual events such as graduation, marriage and death are relied upon by individuals to mark significant life passages, but consumer research has not recognized the full importance of this ritualized activity. Ritualism is used here to interpret consumer behavior, with the results of two exploratory studies presented that examine the artifactual and psychosocial contents of personal grooming rituals of young adults.
Publication Name: Journal of Consumer Research
Subject: Social sciences
ISSN: 0093-5301
Year: 1985
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