In the name of science
Article Abstract:
Issues are presented concerning the contribution which has been made by professional golfer Jack Nicklaus to the game of golf. The career of professional short-game golfer Dave Pelz is discussed.
Publication Name: Golf Magazine
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 1056-5493
Year: 2001
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One man's totals: Peter Jacobsen (professional golfer answers questions about himself)
Article Abstract:
PGA tour member Peter Jacobsen answers a variety of irreverent questions about his personal life. He makes his home in Portland, OR, with his wife and children, and claims to make over 100 flights per year to and from tournaments. Jacobsen claims to be an avid guitar player in his spare time.
Publication Name: Golf Magazine
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 1056-5493
Year: 1996
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100 courses, 100 days
Article Abstract:
Financial consultant Bob McCoy completed the feat of playing all of Golf Magazine's Top 100 Courses in the World in a period of 100 days. His journey began in Texas and included Australasia, Ireland, the UK and Europe.
Publication Name: Golf Magazine
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 1056-5493
Year: 1997
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